Industria News

Liquid: alumina forum primum dimidium anni


As the largest downstream industry of caustic soda, the alumina market will have a strong supporting role on liquid prices in the first half of 2024. From the price point of view, alumina prices, the first half of the strong operation, to some extent, the support of liquid prices rose slightly. From the perspective of demand, the alumina production decreased slightly in the first half of the year, and there was no increment in liquid demand.

Pretia alumina rosae in primo dimidium anni, liquor pretia certa subsidia habent

In the first half of 2024, the alumina industry due to the tight increase of raw material supply, the output is slightly reduced and the price bias strong operation. According to zhuochuang information tracking, the average price of Shandong alumina in the first half of the year was 3434.87 yuan / ton, up 541.48 yuan / ton compared with the first half of last year 2893.39 yuan / ton, up 18.71%. In the first half of 2024, the average price of 32% wave in Shandong is about 767.83 yuan / ton, down 13.51% compared with the average price of 887.74 yuan / ton in the first half of last year. From the six-year average price, alumina and wave price contrary. But from the price trend, this year, alumina prices showed an upward trend, and the liquid also showed a small upward trend. In the first half of the year, when the growth rate of supply was greater than the growth rate of demand, the wave price rose slightly. On the one hand, the periodic supply side was repaired, which slightly supported the price; on the other hand, it was mainly boosted by the rise of alumina price.

In primo aluminae dimidium reductionis productionis super liquidum postulatum sine incremento

Alumina capacitatis industriae in primo dimidium huius anni dilatavit cum prima medietate anni superioris, sed arta prima medietas copiae bauxite, productio capacitatis operandi rate humilis est, primum dimidium aluminae operationis capacitatis 72,77%, 0,86 recipis. puncta inferior quam prima dimidium anni 73,63%, ab Ianuario ad Iunium in 2024 alumina cumulativo output 40.466 decies centena millia talentorum, 1.14% minus quam 41.2355 decies centena millia talentorum in eodem tempore proximo anno. Aliquae tamen alumina inceptis bauxite in gradibus humilitatis utuntur, et una consumptio nitri caustici modice crescit. Ideo industria alumina liquida postulatio huius anni non minus comparatur cum prima medietate superioris anni.

Ex prospectu fundamentorum liquidorum, copia in prima medietate 2024 relative sufficiens est et exigentia effectus plana est, sed inclinatio liquidi pretii leviter sursum est, aliquatenus afficitur valido alumine pretio et incremento quaestuum. .

Alumina productio in medium anni medium aucta leviter et pretium currendi in altum pergebat

In secundo dimidium anni, copia inopiae aluminae materiarum rudium haud difficulter est ut signanter allevietur, et effectio capacitatis operandi rate circiter 80% esse potest, sed in quarta quarta parte, 3.5 decies centena millia talentorum productionis capacitatis induci potest. productio, copia leviter crescat et postulatio liquoris leviter crescat. Sed ex parte pretii, copia aluminae stricta est relative, pretium conservare potest altum concussionem, lucrum incrementum spatium limitatum est, subsidium undarum mercatum generale est.

Alumina comprehensiva postulatum et pretium mutationes, alumina industria in secunda medietate mercati undae adhuc quoddam beneficium habet. Nihilominus, impetus lucri adhuc magis attendere debet ad resumptionem productionis bauxite domesticae et copia bauxite importatae, mutatio operationis in alumine capacitatis productionis rate et productionis progressui novae capacitatis aluminae productionis (Zhuochuang Information)

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