Industria News

17 Communia Surfactants


1. Anionic surfactant

(1)Sulfonates: sodium sulphate, sulphate potassae, sodium hydroxidum, etc.;

2) Polyoxyethylene: polyethylene glycol aether (PEG), polyethylene glycol sulphate (PES), polyoxyethylene ethyl aether (POE) etc.;

3)Mercaptans: sodium mercaptide, potassae mercaptide, phosphate mercaptan, sulfate mercaptan, etc.;

4) chlorides: sodium chloridum, kalium chloridum, etc.;

(5) alcohols pingue: glycerin, ethylhexyl alcohol, arcu stearyl, etc.

(6)Glucitols: Acidum stearicum ut zein alcohol, glucitolum, mannitolum, sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate;

2. Surfactants Catonic

(1) alkyloxyethers: alkyloxyethers aromaticus, alkyloxyethersulfonylureas, etc.;

(2) Carboxy composita: alcohol chloridum laurylum, natrium benzoatum, chloridum sulfonamideum, etc.;

3)Azide composita: diphenyl sulfonate chloride, sulfamide chloride, etc.;

(4) Alia genera: polyethylene glycol coitus agentis, acidum ethylenediaminetetraaceticum, acidum sulfamicum, etc.

3. surfactants Zwitterionic;

(1)Lecithin, amino acidum genus, betaine type;

4. surfactants nonionicis:

(1) acidum glycerides, pingue acidum sorbitanum (Span), polysorbatum (Twen).

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